Hey! You missed a great morning on Sat July 1 when our home group hosted our first session of Alpha in our lounge rom at Blackmans Bay.
We meet at 10am for morning tea, and finish by midday.
EVERYONE had a very positive response - the video is very professionally done, it is engaging, thought-provoking, humorous and very easy to listen to.
Apart from some great questions about faith and belief afterwards, the biggest question was, how can I show this to people who missed out?
So here it is. The link to the first session >>> http://australia.alpha.org/watch/
(It goes for 22 minutes, and we saw a short snippet during the sermon on Sun July 2)
I don't think Alpha make the rest of the sessions available unless you are in a group though, so if you want to join in, get in touch and let me know you are coming!
Check out the Alpha website HERE
0401 652 566