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Crossover EASTER Offering

Donate to Crossover this Easter

The Australian Baptist Easter Offering enables Crossover to provide resources, training and encouragement to help Australian Baptists share Jesus.


As usual, Hobart Baptist will hold a retiring offering for Crossover at the Good Friday service, 9:30am Friday 29 March.

You are also welcome to donate on Easter Sunday with a suitably marked envelope.

Donations to Crossover are welcome anytime HERE > | Find out more about Crossover

Easter Sermon Series - 28 MARCH to 25 APRIL

Hope Rising

Easter is all about hope as God does the impossible and brings Jesus back to life.

9:30am Good Friday | 10am Easter Sunday


HOPE RISING Easter 2021


Easter Services 2019

  • Reflections on the Christ, Tuesday April 16  See post below for more information
  • Good Friday Service 9:30am
  • Easter Sunday 10am: The final in the Lent sermon series - Jesus the Good Shepherd

Lent Sermon Series, The Good Shepherd

Easter at Hobart Baptist Church

We've had an exciting few weeks as we celebrate our unity and our diversity with Sanctuary Sunday, followed by Harmony Sunday.

And now, Easter is on the way!

Stephen Baxter will take us through the Easter season with a special sermon series: The Cross That Unites

  1. Palm Sunday, 10am March 25
  2. Good Friday, 9:30am March 30
  3. Easter Sunday, 10am April 1

You are welcome to come and share, reflect and wonder at God's great mercy this Easter, at Hobart Baptist Church

The Cross the Unites


Easter at HBC

It is a special weekend as we remember the death and resurrection of the one to whom each of us owes our eternal life.


He is the one who looks beyond all our imperfections, and loved us so much that even death could not stop him.

It is a sobering reminder.

Be blessed by Him this Easter. Hope you can make it to the Resurrection Sunday service at 10am!

With love . . .

Your friends at Hobart Baptist Church