Thank you for your patience as we all adjust to this new system. It is going to a take a little while to get used to it. But it is one of those temporary challenges. You know what they say . . . short term pain for long term gain!

Siebrand mentioned it is like wearing-in a new pair of shoes - It will take some time to wear in, but soon it will be comfortable - which I thought was a very apt description.

Trying to login? If you are looking at this page and wondering what on earth to do next to login, you are not alone. Please avoid the temptation to click on 'Register'. You are more than likely already on the system, and if you register there will be two of you! If you are looking for your password all you have to do is click on 'I forgot my password' when you go here: (If it doesn't work that's because we either have another email address for you, or we don't have your email address at all.*)

Already logged in? If you have been successful in logging in, please do remember to make a note of the password you just generated. If you do happen to forget it, then it is simply a matter of clicking on 'I forgot my password' when you try to login, and they will email you a link to the place where you can make up a new password. (For security reasons they will not email you the old password.)

*By all means get back to me on my personal email address if you have any questions by clicking here.
Or you could call me on 0401 652 566.

Love and blessings

Jenny Baxter
Hobart Baptist Church Communications Officer