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SENT - Sermon Series, Sept 2020

SENT sermon series, Sept 2020

God sent Jesus on a mission and Jesus sends his followers on a mission. As disciples of Jesus, our call is to live like Jesus lived—full of “grace and truth,” full of care and compassion. He is our teacher, guide and model in the way we should live and act towards others.

In this series we look at some of the stories of Jesus and explore what it means for us to reach out in friendship, love, care and compassion to others.

Read more about SENT, or catch up sermons >>>

Let's Get Together!

Since Sunday morning, July 5, we began the return to worship in the Tab.

Praise God!

HBC Returns to the Tab

Currently, we have a room capacity of 108 - which means you can almost certainly get a seat. Be early to be sure.

Things to note:

  • Doors open at 9.30 ahead of a 10am service
  • Entry to foyer will be through the side door via the ramp
  • Due to the limit on numbers in the foyer, you are encouraged to move straight through into the sanctuary using the door opposite. 
  • No hugging or hand shaking. Social distancing is to be observed
  • Hand sanitiser is provided and to be used on arrival and departure.
  • Families are able to sit together, non family members to observe 2sq m per person 
  • Cushions have been removed from pews - bring your own if you like.
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow, use rubbish bins provided for tissues.
  • Morning tea will not be provided at the moment, no food in the sanctuary.
  • The Connecter will not be handed out, and offering bags will not be passed around.
  • Kids' Church has resumed face-to-face in the hall at church. If you have any questions please contact Tracy Ortiz.
  • Our cleaning schedule has been amended. Frequently touched surfaces and toilets will be disinfected after each service and ministry event. 

As we continue to care for each other, particularly the most vulnerable amongst us please remember

  • If you are unwell, please do not come to church.
  • If you have a fever, runny nose, cough, sore/itchy throat or shortness of breath call the doctor.

Zoom Mingle and YouTube service will be online as usual. Join Church Online >>>

Light Work Sermons Series - August 2-30

Light Work sermons serties, August 2020

This series comes just after celebrating Christmas in Winter. We will explore the nature of God and what it means for us to be the image of God in the world. We will focus in on God as creator and Jesus as life, and what it means for us as image bearers and the call to be light and to walk in the light.

  • August 2 Stephen Baxter
  • August 9 Joanna Sinclair
  • August 16 Michael Henderson
  • August 23 Liam Conway
  • August 30 Scott Ambrose


Christmas in Winter

Recapturing the Christmas Spirit

Christmas in Winter - Watch Ad >>>


Come and join our celebration of the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago. He is Emmanuel – God is with us – especially at Christmas!

Read more about it >>>

Book your FREE tickets

6pm Friday July 24 >>>

6pm Saturday July 25 >>>

9am Sunday July 26 >>>

10:30am Sunday July 26 >>>

A Time to Weep - God's Gift of Lament

SERMON SERIES, Sunday May 3 to July 5

God's Gift of Lament, Ma3-June 7


Most of us wrestle at some point with the reality of evil and suffering. Whether we are Christian or not, suffering and evil impact significantly our belief in God and our attitude toward God. For some it is the cause of their rejection of the existence of God. The world today seems to be at a crisis point, it is a profound cultural moment. How does the church serve the community in its response? And how can we be ‘prophetic’ at the same time?