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The Story of Ruth - Sermon Series

Sundays 11th July to 8th August

The Story of Ruth Hobart Baptist Church envisions itself as prophetically serving the city, and Ruth offers us a thread   to follow to enter     that space.

To be a prophetic servant in her time, Naomi came back in grief to her hometown and brought Ruth, a foreign woman, with her, who would then bring a descendent to Naomi.

To be a prophetic servant, Ruth enters a foreign community, aids her mother-in-law and reflects the spirit of the law to a people who knew the law. To be a prophetic servant, Boaz comes to the city gates to redeem Naomi and Ruth into his family. Read more >>> 


WATCH YouTube services as they become available >>>

Christmas in Winter 2021

Until Sunday 4th July

Don't forget to plan a hearty Christmas Dinner with friends during the week prior to Christmas Day!

Sunday 20th June Advent 1 | Sunday 27th June Advent 2 | 6pm Friday 2nd July  Carols at the Tab | Sunday 4th July Christmas Day


Carols at the Tab


This mid-winter Christmas, we will explore how Jesus is our prophet, priest and king. He was not quite the Messiah people expected, and yet he was God’s Messiah – the Anointed One. As a fellow human being he knows and understands our mortal pains and sufferings.

Read More about this sermon series >>> | Christmas in Winter is part of the Luminous Festival >>>

Luminous Festival

17th June to 4th July

It's so exciting to be offering our first community event in the newly upgraded spaces at HBC.

To find out more it to register (essential!) HERE>>>

Luminous 2021




Mourn with those who Mourn

Sermon Series: 2nd May to 6th June 2021

To mourn with those who mourn

Last year, during the COVID-19 lock-down, we began our 2020 series on Lament. It was profound timing. As the world reeled from the pandemic, we brought a prayer of lament for the world in all its brokenness, sinfulness, suffering and pain.

This year we return to this wonderful biblical form of prayer, a gift of God for difficult, sad and painful moments.

Read More Here >>>

Easter Sermon Series - 28 MARCH to 25 APRIL

Hope Rising

Easter is all about hope as God does the impossible and brings Jesus back to life.

9:30am Good Friday | 10am Easter Sunday


HOPE RISING Easter 2021