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Recapturing Wonder: Bring your Friends!

Until August 11

This is a special sermoin series from Michael Henderson, outlining the basics of faith.

It will not focus around arguments, but will approach it from an experience perspective.

The series will be called: “Recapturing Wonder”.

We encourage you to bring anyone wanting to explore faith in a new way to what they may have heard before.


A Church for the City - Sunday June 23


    The past week’s art installation, Breathe, Shine and Seek to Mend is now over.

    On Sunday, Stephen Baxter will speak to one of our core values:

    We value our city … by giving thanks for its beauty, praying for its welfare and serving its people.

    Where can we see God leading following our partnership with Michael?


Breathe, Shine and Seek to Mend

Art installation by Michael Henderson

Breathe, Shine and Seek to Mend

   FREE ENTRY - Bring Your Friends!
   Sunday 16 to Friday 21 June 5.30pm-8.30pm, daily.

    Special Guest Musicians
    7pm Monday June 17: Peter and Joy Tattam
    7pm Tuesday June 18: Ryan Conway
    7pm Friday June 21: Kelvin Smith



STephen Baxter    Dark Mofo has brought spirituality back into the public square.

    I'm delighted we are able to partner with Michael and enter into this space.

    My hope is that this profound yet confronting installation will cause us all to think deeply about the nature and purpose of faith.

Stephen Baxter, Senior Pastor, Hobart Baptist Church


Artist Statement

Michael Henderson    I want to ask questions about cover-up, about the use of power to reveal or bury truth.

    And I wonder, can truth can ever actually be buried?

Michael Henderson, Artist

SERMON SERIES: May God Empower Us To Do His Will

From Sunday April 28, 2019 - Catch up with Sermons HERE>>>

May God Empoiwer Us To Do His Will   Hebrews contains five warnings, each encouraging us to keep following Jesus.

   We face challenges from living in a society that is far from God.

   But the direct encouragement from Hebrews is that Jesus is real, loving and present.

   He is active and able to empower us to follow him.



Easter Services 2019

  • Reflections on the Christ, Tuesday April 16  See post below for more information
  • Good Friday Service 9:30am
  • Easter Sunday 10am: The final in the Lent sermon series - Jesus the Good Shepherd

Lent Sermon Series, The Good Shepherd