10:15am 26th December 2021 Boxing Day Service on YouTube ONLY WATCH HERE >>>
10:00am 2nd January 2022 Joel Ortiz
10:15am 26th December 2021 Boxing Day Service on YouTube ONLY WATCH HERE >>>
10:00am 2nd January 2022 Joel Ortiz
Sermon series - 5th December until Christmas Day
9:30am Christmas Day
10:15am Boxing Day on YouTube only!
He connected with some of them by a touch, a look or listening quietly. Of the hundreds of conversations over the three years of his ministry, we have about 40 recorded in the gospels. Some conversations are long, some little more than a sentence. Yet each gives a unique insight into the wisdom and heart of Jesus.
In this series, we will explore the first three chapters of Genesis and allow it to address us with its insights, rather than looking for it to answer our questions.
As we put the ‘science’ question to one side, we will explore the treasures waiting and accept its invitation to reframe our understanding of reality.
Hobart Baptist Church envisions itself as prophetically serving the city, and Ruth offers us a thread to follow to enter that space.
To be a prophetic servant in her time, Naomi came back in grief to her hometown and brought Ruth, a foreign woman, with her, who would then bring a descendent to Naomi.
To be a prophetic servant, Ruth enters a foreign community, aids her mother-in-law and reflects the spirit of the law to a people who knew the law. To be a prophetic servant, Boaz comes to the city gates to redeem Naomi and Ruth into his family. Read more >>>