Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

Alpha is coming!

Refuge (Young Adults) will begin Alpha on TUESDAY 30th MAY, and you are invited! This is an 11-week program addressing the core questions of life that each of us face. Why are we here? What is life really all about?

Alpha is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of where they are with faith, and to help them ask these questions in a setting that will, hopefully, lead them closer to the ultimate answers.

Running Alpha at Refuge is an enormous opportunity for those of us with friends who are open to discussing these questions.

This is an invitation to the broader church to bring them along!

Further details will be released in coming weeks, but if you have any questions, look for Nathan! Email him HERE; or call him on 0487 153 651

Easter at HBC

It is a special weekend as we remember the death and resurrection of the one to whom each of us owes our eternal life.


He is the one who looks beyond all our imperfections, and loved us so much that even death could not stop him.

It is a sobering reminder.

Be blessed by Him this Easter. Hope you can make it to the Resurrection Sunday service at 10am!

With love . . .

Your friends at Hobart Baptist Church


Thank You for Your Unprecedented Generosity

The Growth Offering on March 26 saw a huge response. Thank you so much for giving to this special offering in such a generous way.

So far, over 70 donations have contributed to the current total of $11,454.50!

This injection of funds means we can plan for growth in many areas of ministry at Hobart Baptist Church, which is very encouraging.

Thanks too, for your prayers which are well and truly answered by God’s faithfulness as we have trusted Him together.

To find out more about the offering, or to make a last-minute contribution please visit >>> www.hobartbaptist.org.au/giving

Growth Offering, 10am Sunday March 26, 2017

Investing in Our Future

Our Growth Offering is an opportunity for us to continue to sow and “Invest in Our Future”. With wisdom, prayer and faith, we ask you to consider contributing your most generous gift. 

Scroll through the form below to give with your credit card >>>

It is an exciting moment to be part of Hobart Baptist Church.

For over 130 years, people have found it a welcome haven of faith and friendship. Today over 350 people find belonging, security and freedom within the many congregations, groups and communities of faith that make up the church.

Recently, the young adults’ community of faith, meeting at Nathan and Kaya Lattimore’s home, has grown to 15-20. Mabuhay (led by Ps Joel Ortiz) is also growing, as is our 10am service. When we add our Karen Community (Ps Paw Nay and Ps Moo Lay), and Church With No Walls (Ps Frank Cole) you begin to get a glimpse of our diversity.

Then there is the Humanitarian Settlement Service (HSS) who work with refuges, Meet & Make (Max and Junette Levett), Boys’ Brigade (Scott Ambrose), and Kids’ Church (Tracy Ortiz). In addition, in coming months Joel Ortiz will commence Life, a ministry for international university students.

Hobart Baptist Church has already sown significantly into these ministries including the appointment of Nathan Lattimore (Youth and Young Adults Pastor) and Joel Ortiz (Multicultural Pastor).

Now we are beginning to see the fruit of what has been sown.

Let's Keep on Investing into the Future!

Sanctuary Sunday, 10am March 5 @ Hobart Baptist Church

We had a great day of celebration and excitement on Sanctuary Sunday as we celebrated our unity and diversity.

Diversity – an essential ingredient of our Identity

  • We are from different nations, backgrounds and ages
  • We usually meet at different times and in different places

Unity – demonstrating God’s love

  • Catch a glimpse of the church, and your place in it
  • Fill the church to overflowing. It will be very exciting!
  • Hear contributions from our ethnic groups
  • Pray for each other
  • Honour our leaders
  • Bless our children

Our next Sanctuary Sunday event will be held on Sunday September 10, 2017