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Sod-Turning Event: A Great Success!

Thank you for your prayers as we begin our building development.

Sod Turning wth Joel, Paw Nay, Stephen and Ojo
Joel, Paw Nay, Stephen and Ojo
A good crowd attended the Soil Turning ceremony on Monday September 17. Stephen spoke briefly about the history of Hobart Baptist and the benefits of the upgrade to the community we serve. Graham Clements shared what HBC has meant to him before ‘turning the sod’ to the applause of the enthusiastic witnesses.
Refreshments were served under the tree in front, a taste of what it will be like with the coffee shop.

Mission Shaped Church Sermon Series - August/September 2018

CO/MISSION: Witnesses for Jesus


Jesus called his disciples to be his witnesses (Acts 1:8). We are not eyewitnesses to his bodily resurrection, but we are those who have experienced God’s love, forgiveness and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So, what does it mean for us, his disciples today, to be his witnesses in our communities?

Sadly, in many parts of Australia today, the church has a bad name. Some of it deserved, some of it not. Nevertheless, there is a dissonance between Jesus and his mission, and the community that is meant to represent him.

Jesus was a man of unconditional love who had an amazing ability to connect with and accept people of all types and persuasions. He loved people with such a sense of abandon that it killed him.

In this series we will look at the mission of Jesus and explore what it means to follow Jesus in his mission, and discover what it means to be church in Hobart today.

The Challenge of the Church - Sermon series June-July 2018

The “Challenge of the Church” June-July 2018, Sermon Series

The Challenge of the Church carries with it two ideas.
Not only is the Church being challenged by the rapid changes taking place in our society, making life challenging for God’s people, but also, the existence of the Church is and of itself a challenge to the world.
In fact, Jesus said we are "salt and light" to the world. In this series, we’ll be exploring how the Church is both challenged, and called to be a challenge, in today’s world. And what that means for our lives individually and for the ministry and mission of Hobart Baptist Church.

The Chalenbge of the Church

What's going on Sunday May 27, 2018

This coming Sunday, May 27 at 10am, Liam Conway preaches on Mark 12:13-17. Jesus said, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

Then later on, join in with the Church Together Festival (2pm) and Rally (4:30pm) down at PW1, next to Salamanca. Check churchtogethertasmania.com for more details!

Church Together2018

Pentecost - Sunday May 20

We celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit this coming Sunday at Hobart Baptist Church. Hope you can make it!

Stephen Baxter will be preaching: The Holy Spirit came upon the early church and changed the course of history. On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus explained to his followers how he needed to leave so that the work of the Spirit could begin. Next Sunday we will explore the three-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit - counsellor, witness and teacher.
