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Christmas Events at Hobart Baptist

6:30PM Christmas Eve

Christmas Carols and Aussie Barbecue

Under the tree outside the Soundy Building

Sausages, bread and sauce will be provided or if you prefer you can BYO.
Please bring a small plate of finger food, savoury or sweet to share. Come and celebrate with us!


The final in our Curious Christmas sermon series.

Come and spend some time worshipping and thanking God for his outstanding gift to us.

Curious Christmas

Lower Hall Refresh is Underway

This week the lower hall has contuned it's facelift as a team of volunteers moved in to paint. Nice work everyone!

The hall was originally built in 1885, so we are being careful custodians of our substantial heritage.

Painting Team Dec 2018


PLEASE NOTE: Access to Toilets is Changed!

The demolition of the old toilets and adjoining parts of the building are now complete.

There is a big space out the back! 

  • Access to toilets is now via:
    1. The door behind the pulpit
    2. The door behind the band
    3. Down the outside lane on the south side of the sandstone church building and through the hall doorway.
  • Here is the new building layout, including Emergency Exit info, current from Sunday December 9:
  • HBC Redevelopment Phase Two layout

Phase One of the Building Develpoment: COMPLETE!

Floorplan Sun Dec 2, 2018
Floorplan for Sunday Dec 2, 2018

Building Update, December 2, 2018

* With the opening today of the new toilets the first part of the building project is complete.

* Access to toilets is via the door behind the lectern, the door behind the band, and down the outside lane on the south side of the sandstone church building and through the hall doorway.

* For safety reasons we ask that children going to the toilets have an adult with them.  

* Morning tea will continue to be in the Soundy Lounge until the Hall has been refreshed, however arrangements will be a little more difficult than before, so please bear with us while we manage with reduced facilities. 

* The demolition of the old toilets etc will begin on Monday December 3.

* Finally, and praise God, the BFS loan has, at long last, been approved.

Heather Galloway HBC Secretary

Advent Sermon Series: A Curious Christmas

Curious Christmas

This Christmas we will follow Matthew’s story.

Writing to a Jewish readership, Matthew endeavours to explain how Jesus is their long-anticipated Messiah. However, his arrival is nothing like they expected and indeed quite curious.

Yet we celebrate Christmas amid festivities that have become more and more commercialised and full of materialism.  It is curious how the celebration of God emptying himself of what it meant to be God and becoming a human being (Philippians 2:7) has become an excuse for us to consume, spend and focus on ourselves. Such consumerism has very little to do with the birth of Christ or the celebration of Emmanuel – God with us.

Looking at some of the more curious aspects of the Christmas story as told by Matthew will hopefully help us to take our minds off shopping list and on to the things God has done for us. Being curious may just enable us to give less room to commercialism and materialism and more to the eternal. The curious just may help us ‘do’ Christmas differently this year.