Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

Reflections of the Christ - Easter Event

Reflections of the Christ  We invite you to a self-guided experience through six immersive stations, to engage with Jesus’ heart for you.

  This will be an opportunity glimpse His blessing and abundance and empowerment.

  The entire hall will be one large art installation, with six stations to interact with.

  Outside there will be a party in the alleyway. You can go between the two as you like.


ALL WELCOME! Bring your friends, your family, your enemies!

When:            April 16, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Where:           Alleyway party and Stations in Hobart Baptist’s Rear Hall, 284 Elizabeth St, North Hobart

More info:      michael@tasbaptists.org.au

CLICK HERE to download your invitation to print and give away 

Jesus the Good Shepherd sermon series

From Sunday March 17 until Easter Sunday, April 21


Jesus the Good Shepherd  The gospels describe Jesus as the  continuation of the heart of our God, powerfully illustrated as the good shepherd in John 10.

  It is a description of Jesus as he was then and how he is today: intimately present, powerfully active, full of mercy and compassion for everyone, and willing to do whatever it takes to show he loves us.

We encourage you to join us this Lent, and to dwell on all Jesus is and does for us.


  • Vision Month: God Is Bigger

New Sermon Series: February 10, Family Service – March 10, Family Service

God is BiggerGod, and His vision for Hobart Baptist Church, is bigger than whatever you or we have experienced, known or can even imagine. Will you join us in 2019 on this journey of exploring our infinitely big God and His love for the city of Hobart?

Because, He is bigger than our history with Him – He has more life and experiences and joy to add to our journey together. He is bigger than our knowledge of Him - we have an infinitely big God to discover. He is even bigger than whatever future and life you can imagine – do you have faith to believe it?

This is Hobart Baptist Church. Family Service



God is BIGGER kicked off at the Family Service on February 10, when Michael Henderson was inducted as Associate Pastor.


Psalms in Summer

Psalms in Summer   This Summer, come along to the Psalms in Summer sermon series.

   The series, featured in the 10am Service, will focus on several Psalms.

   You are are sure to find the series a great encouragement.

   January 6 - Joel Ortiz, Psalm 23

   January 13 - Stephen Baxter, Psalm 22

   January 20 - Stephen Baxter, Psalm 8

   January 27 - Guest Speaker: Alice Baxter

   February 3 - Michael Henderson, Psalm 40


Jesus, The Word Became Flesh

Jesus, The Light of the WorldA special one-off sermon this Sunday as Liam Conway reflects on Jesus, The Light of the World with John Chapter 1.

As we come towards the New Year, we remember Jesus call to be light and salt. It's a good time to ask what is light? What does light do to us? And what marvelous hope do we have in the light of God?